
Thursday, July 7, 2016

9) Please share your experiences with oxytocin!

I know that we are "oxytocin pioneers" in terms of my son's use of oxytocin as a replacement hormone for panhypopituitarism but I also know that we are not the only ones who have tried oxytocin for other than labor induction/lactation reasons!

As a disclaimer, I am not trying to gather data for research- I am a clinical psychologist by profession but not a researcher and I am asking others to chime in on personal experiences as a public forum to share anecdotes about oxytocin.  It is possible to post anonymously so do not feel any obligation to reveal any private information about your identity,

If you (or someone you know-your child, for example) have used oxytocin for medical reasons, please feel free to share your experiences in the comments section below this posting.  I am curious about the following:

1.  The reasons for using oxytocin (diagnosis and target symptoms)
2.  The length of time you have used oxytocin
3.  The dose of oxytocin used
4.  The positive therapeutic effects, if any
5.  The adverse side effects, if any
6.  Other comments or questions about your use of oxytocin

Thank you!  I hope that our sharing this info may be of use to others who are interested in learning about the effect on oxytocin in others besides Sasha!

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